Last Five

On Regrouping - 2008-10-29
Comfortable vs Happy - 2008-03-19
Workaholic - 2007-12-31
What is teaching, really - 2007-06-09
Frustrated with humanity - 2006-09-12
The great plant fiasco.
2005-10-19 . 6:38 pm

OMG clutzy strikes again!!!! Well I was watering my birthday plant, & then as I attempted to move the vase back in place (since it was slightly off center) - I underestimated that the plastic on the bottom made it more slippery than usual. So yeah as a result, it proceeded to fall off the shelf (luckily right side up) & onto my bed - then bounced off the bed (90 degrees to the left), went airbourne, and landed with a loud shatter on the closet floor - sending wet dirt & broken vase bits flying EVERYWHERE on the floor & all over everything in the closet & what was previously white carpet. *Fuming* My apartment is now a disaster area. Not to mention I'm ocd and the idea of dirt all over the place annoys the crap out of me. Argh . :( Seriously I don't think this shit is ever going to completely come out - not to mention that it sticks to the bottom of my shoes & spreads. So yeah it looks like I either need new carpet or a really good cleaning crew. Its so frustrating too because I've been here over a year & had kept the place in excellent condition before this fiasco. Damn clutzy tendencies always cause trouble. The funny part of the story is that just earlier today Christine had said that I do not have my moms green thumb - so I told her that she jinxed me with that comment, & of course she was laughing at my bad luck. Heres some pictures of the wonderful mess:
Notice my poor vaacum which no longer works because THE DIRT CLOGGED UP THE GEARS & MADE IT BLOW A FUSE. :(

And me pissed off after trying to clean the shit for 2 hours & not making much progress. I seriously want to cry right now, not to mention the vase was pretty & a present from my mom. :/

reverse . brake . speed up

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