Last Five

On Regrouping - 2008-10-29
Comfortable vs Happy - 2008-03-19
Workaholic - 2007-12-31
What is teaching, really - 2007-06-09
Frustrated with humanity - 2006-09-12
2005-05-29 . 6:50 pm

society puts too much emphasis on "college". you should strive for an experience rather than simply an education, you should understand that no matter where you go, or where you live, you will spend some time crying in your new room and some time laughing too, that there is no place in the world that will prevent you from having bad days, getting stuck in ruts, or feeling completely overwhelmed with helplessness at times. far too often we try to escape our own human nature. we think that a change in scenery will prompt some necessary change in ourselves. and while it may work occasionally, wouldn't you prefer to just be the catalyst yourself? people are amazing, capable of so much if they want it enough. don't let your life be a cop-out. don't make things regrets when they haven't even gotten the chance to really happen yet. enjoy being young, enjoy the capabilities of your mind and body, the endless untapped resivours of resilliance you have inside yourself. nobody really ever has to teach you how to adapt, much like nobody ever has to teach you how to love. so be a little reckless with both.

reverse . brake . speed up

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